unique books II

Here you can find further unique books that were created since 1998. They originated from a literary, socio-political, or “free flowing” background.
Some of these books I call “intermediate books”, since they were often created between the first sketches and drawings that I did while reading specific authors or while engaging in various topics, or while I was working on series of pictures or other graphic art and painting.
Their order (title, volume, information …) corresponds to the photographs.
By clicking on the names and descriptions (to the right), you can open the galleries.

I Heinrich von Kleist, „Über das Marionettentheater“, „Berliner Abendblätter –  12-15 December 1810“, offprint (softbound), special edition by Druckerei Carl-Ottmar Schönhuth, December 1975, set in schneidler-mediaeval, 140 copies printed, with 15 water coloured ink drawings, revised edition 2009

II  “Zwischenbilder” – on Eduard Mörike (German poet, 1804-1875), calendar 2004, 66 pictures, mixed media

III Intermediate book “Szenenwechsel” – inspired by José Saramago’s novels  Ensaio sobre a Cegueira and Todos os Nome. Made with an old accounting book, 72 pages, with water coloured ink drawings and mixed media

IV Intermediate book “Blindegestalten – inmitten fremder Räume”, inspired by José Saramago’s novel Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, sketchbook, clothbound, 40 pages, mixed media

V  “Diszipliniertheit”, inspired by the José Saramago’s novels Ensaio sobre a Cegueira and Todos os Nome, old accounting book, 167 pages, with water coloured ink drawings and mixed media

VI  Intermediate book “Figurenstrukturen”, inspired by the novel Ensaio sobre a Cegueira, high quality sketch book, 62 pages, with water coloured ink drawings and mixed media

VII  “Aufgekratzte Blicke”, inspired by Brigitte Reimann’s (1933-1973) journals „Alles schmeckt nach Abschied“, high-quality sketchbook, 64 pages, mixed media

VIII „Auf ex“, inspired by Brigitte Reimann’s (1933-1973)  journals “Alles schmeckt nach Abschied”, high-quality sketchbook, 80 pages, mixed media

XIV  “Impulse” – on the writer Brigitte Reimann, high-quality sketchbook, 64 pages, mixed media

X  “Tagesskizzenbuch II – About Thomas Bernhard”, high-quality sketchbook, 64 pages, mixed media

XI  “Kopf-an-Kopf-Tuschen – Erdachte Porträts & ihre Umgebung“, high-quality sketch book, clothbound, 100 pages

XII „Tageszeichnungen“, sketch book, clothbound, 64 pages, mixed media

XIII „65 literarische Betrachtungen nach Favoriten“, high-quality book, clothbound, 65 pages with water colour drawings inspired by novels, letters, stories, or lives of: Franz Kafka, Jean-Paul, Thomas Bernhard, Walter Kempowski, Max Frisch, Christoph Hein, José Saramago, Michel Houellebecq, Cees Nooteboom, Brigitte Reimann, Martin Walser, Arnold Stadler, Ulf Erdmann-Ziegler, Ingo Schulze, Nicolas Born, Günter Grass, Eduard Mörike, James Joyce, J.-W. v. Goethe, Volker Braun, Ingeborg Bachmann, Bodo Kirchhoff, Hermann Lenz, Heinrich v. Kleist, Daniel Kehlmann, Peter Handke, Christa Wolf, Peter Kurzeck, John Updike, Arno Geiger, Wolfgang Koeppen, and many others

XIV  Intermediate book „Entlang der Linie – eine seltsam anmutende Geschichte“, clothbound, 10 pages, ink drawings

XV  „Die Macht der Wähler“, former accounting book, 94 pages, with water colour drawings and mixed media

XVI  Intermediate book “Bühnentürme”, 20 pages, mixed media

XVII  Intermediate book “Bühnenfiguren”, 11 pages, mixed media

XVIII Intermediate book “Bürokadaver”, clothbound book, 64 pages, mixed media

XIV  "Durchbrüche", 64 pages, clothbound book, mixed media

XX  Intermediate book “Kritzeleimanie”, 184 pages, mixed media

XXI "mondwandel", 66 pages, mixed media, after the novel: "moon palace" from paul auster

XXII "hopeless", 66 pages, mixed media, after the novel "in the country of last things" from paul auster